Contrad 100
Contrad® 100 is a low-foaming alkaline liquid detergent formulated for Clean-In-Place systems. Contrad® 100 is effective in removing a wide variety of contaminantes from stainless steel, glass, and plastic surfaces. Its low-foaming characteristics prevent pump cavitation. Contrad® 100 is extremely free rinsing, phosphate-free, and disposable straight to drain.
Standard Unit
3.8 Liters (1G) Alternate Unit
4 x 3.8 Liters Decon Labs #
1504 Standard Unit
20 Liters (5.28G) Decon Labs #
1503 Standard Unit
115 Liter (30G) Decon Labs #
1506 Standard Unit
210 Liter (55G) Decon Labs #