Bacdown Handsoap
BACDOWN® Professional Handsoap cleans your hands without drying or chapping. Formulated for repeated hand-scrubbing, BACDOWN® blends soothing coconut-based surfactants that are gentle to the skin. Dry, chapped skin is wide open to biohazard and chemical contamination. So after washing, revitalize your hands with PROGUARD® Professional Handcream. Unlike all other laboratory handsoaps, BACDOWN® cleans without drying your skin! The unique blending of coconut detergents in BACDOWN® makes it cosmetically acceptable and eliminates skin drying, even when used 20, 30 or 40 times a day as in clinical labs and healthcare situations. Industrial demand for a quality handsoap is considerable. Antiquated hand cleaning such as bar soap can be replaced by the professional approach of BACDOWN® – it is a pleasant and effective soap to use in any lab and plant.